The Number 1 Guide to Preventing Skin Cancer (Book)

‘The Number 1 Guide to Preventing Skin Cancer’ continues to inspire our Spotscreen team advocating skin cancer prevention and encourage organisations to cease and reverse the otherwise increasing rates of skin cancer in their workplace.

Packed with fascinating and interesting facts and dispelling the myths about this subject, this is a must have resource for every home or office.


Proven Advice From An Expert

IT’S A SHOCKING FACT – 2 in 3 Australians will develop skin cancer!

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this easy-to-read guide International Author, screening specialist and prevention advocate Karen M. Ong shows us how skin cancer affects people of all ages, in all locations and all cultural backgrounds. This book ensures that you and your loved ones have all the tools and information you need to stay safe from the effects of skin cancer without fearing our beautiful Australian outdoor lifestyle.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Are you at risk? Important facts you must know about skin cancer!
  • What are the common types of skin cancers and how do you spot them?
  • 3 key tips to reduce 70% of ‘sun spots’ and skin damage – without medical treatment!
  • Valuable tools so you can check your moles and monitor your skin with confidence, plus essentials of what to do if you find something!
  • Sun, Vitamin D and Sunscreen Myth Busting
  • 3 secrets to perfect skin
  • Simple Strategies to reduce skin aging up to 95%

Read this book today! Your life style may depend on it.

State-of-the-art Skin Cancer Screenings for Your Employees

For over 7 years Spotscreen have been dedicated to reducing the rates of skin cancer in Australian workplaces.

Skin cancer screenings performed on-site by Spotscreen practitioners have identified thousands of dangerous skin cancers; many of those life threatening. We are honoured to have spared Australian families, communities and workplaces a potentially grief of what may have been an otherwise devastating outcome.